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Jaw Surgery and Sliding Genioplasty to Fix Severe Underbite

Emma came to Dr. Jamali wanting a rounder face and chin, more feminine jawline, a more proportional face.

She had difficulty chewing her food properly due to the imperfect positioning of the teeth when the jaws are closed and a posterior crossbite.

  • Diagnosis: Retrognathic maxilla, Prognathic mandible
  • Dental: Class III malocclusion, posterior crossbite, & teeth crowding
  • Face: Long lower facial height
  • Procedure: Maxillary and mandibular osteotomy, Sliding Genioplasty

Sliding Genioplasty Before and After Images

Sliding Genioplasty

My name is Emma. I actually started the jaw surgery process when I was 12. I had a palate expander and started orthodontic work and was told that following that I would need to have braces and a jaw surgery. I remember vividly the day that they showed me the video of what the surgery entailed and as a 12 year old that scared me a little bit and I chose to not go through the surgery, until the age of 24 I had made my mind up that I was ready to get double jaw surgery.

I actually found Dr. Jamali on Instagram. I was searching the Instagram, the hashtag jaw surgery, which led me to his page and I read a lot of the testimonials from other patients and they had mentioned that he was an artist. A lot of people referred to him as an artist and I had an appreciation for that considering it was my face and my appearance that was on the line as well as functionality.

The huge fear that I had was the pain. It was a very painless surgery actually. Getting my wisdom teeth out was more painful than this surgery.

I had surgery almost a year ago. It’ll be a year in a month. It’s honestly changed my life. It’s changed my confidence, it’s changed how I eat, it’s changed how I breathe and all for the better.

My experience as a patient was extremely positive. I loved coming to this office. I wasn’t just a patient here. I wasn’t just coming in and felt like I was just in the revolving door of patients for the day. Everyone here is very interested in me and how I was doing and the outcomes and what was going on with school and my job and things like that.

I would absolutely recommend Dr. Jamali and his staff. I’ll miss them. Maybe I’ll come up with some dental things in the future that I can come back to visit them.

If you’re curious about this practice, just come in for a consultation and meet the team here because it’s a great group of people. They really care about you and Dr. Jamali will do everything he can to give you the results that you want and answer all of your questions.

I had an amazing recovery because of the community of people that have had jaw surgery. I finally felt like I wasn’t alone in sort of the anxiousness of waiting and there were so many people to talk to that can calm your nerves and give you some tips and tricks that make eating really easy and keep you comfortable and just things that will get you up in on your feet really quickly and you’ll be amazed at yourself and what your body’s capable of.

I’m like a jaw surgery poster child. I go around, I’m like, “You should have jaw surgery. You should have jaw surgery.”

The surgery will change your life. This surgery changed my life in such a positive way. The only regret I have is not doing it 14 years ago.

My name’s Tim, and I came to see Doctor Jamali to go through the entire orthognathic process for upper and lower jaw surgery.

Well, a couple of years ago when I noticed that I had some uneven wearing of my teeth, I decided to go to my regular dentist, and my regular dentist decided to tell me that there’s nothing they could do about it because I have an underbite, a severe underbite. They said, “Well, maybe you could go to an orthodontist. They could probably try to do something for you.”

I went to an orthodontist. Right away they noticed that it was a severe underbite and there’s nothing that orthodontics could do to help.

I live in Jersey, born and raised. I started looking at doctors in Jersey, oral and maxillofacial surgeons in Jersey. It was extremely difficult to find someone who really specialized in this type of procedure, so I started to expand my search, look into to New York, look into Manhattan. I came across Doctor Jamali. I found out that he did this fairly frequently, so pretty often. It made me feel very comfortable, and I scheduled an appointment.

The minute I came in and I saw Doctor Jamali, I sat down, started an open conversation, very casual. You know, a lot of times you would find doctors who would want to push you into a surgery, but I remember Doctor Jamali said, “Listen, take your time. Think about it. Give me a call if is something that you really want to do. If this is something I really want to consider.”

And that day I made the decision. I told him before I even walked out the door, I said, “Let’s do it.” And he was kind of surprised, “Are you sure?” I said, “Yeah.” Just how comfortable I felt with him and the process and the education that he provided me, made me feel comfortable, made me feel at ease, made me feel more knowledgeable about the process.

I finished my surgery. The surgery is done. I’m now about seven to eight weeks post-op, which is a great place to be in.

Doctor Jamali did my extractions. I had the orthodontics done in house. I had Doctor Jamali do the upper and lower jaw surgery, orthognathic surgery. And just knowing that it was all under one roof, and they worked together so well, that made me feel comfortable, it made me feel calm, and it was a great experience. Great experience.

If I could tell myself even before I started this process, I would have said, “Do it earlier.” I would’ve done it way earlier. I think I waited longer than I should have, because the longer you go on, the longer you wait, obviously the health risks do increase with age. But I would’ve done it younger, I would’ve done it sooner. That’s my piece of advice, for sure.

I would just say stay confident and search. Definitely reach out to Doctor Jamali. He’s incredible at what he does. He’s extremely talented. Just an amazing, amazing man overall. I never once felt nervous or scared or worried. He made me rest easy through the whole process, and everything was seamless.