Dental Extraction

Why would a dentist recommend a tooth extraction?

A dentist would recommend a tooth extraction when the tooth is not salvageable, when they feel that the tooth cannot be saved, whether he has periodontal disease or a cavity or he has a fracture. Then they recommend removal of the tooth.

Do routine tooth extractions require an oral surgeon?

Routine dental extractions may or may not require an oral surgeon. This depends on the skills, knowledge, and comfort level of your general dentist.

When are tooth extractions considered oral surgery?

All tooth extractions are considered oral surgery. Some of them are basic and some are more complex.

Will a dentist give me anesthesia during a tooth extraction?

A dentist will give you anesthesia during tooth extraction. A general dentist usually gives you Novocaine or local anesthesia. In our office, which is an oral surgery office, we provide local anesthesia and IV sedation if necessary.

Do extractions of premolars and orthodontics have side effects?

Removal of premolars for orthodontic treatment does not have side effects. The only thing you have to worry about is a change in profile, which you have to discuss with your orthodontist.

Can periodontal disease be halted by tooth extraction?

Periodontal disease can be halted by tooth extraction. Periodontal disease is a disease of the tissue around the teeth, and when you remove the teeth, the periodontal disease disappears.

How should I care for my mouth after a tooth extraction procedure?

You should care for your mouth after a tooth extraction procedure by following the instructions carefully. Basically, we recommend staying on a liquid diet for the first day or two, taking cold food like ice cream and yogurt on the first day, and for the next two weeks, you should stay on softer food. No exercise, no using straws to drink, and no alcohol for 10 days.

What are the pros and cons of dental implants after tooth extraction?

Some of the pros and cons of placing an implant after tooth extractions are, well, you will have your bite and occlusion back, especially if it's in the front area of the mouth, and you will be able to chew and function for a long time. You do not have to remove any fake teeth. Dental implants are stabilized in the bone. Some of the cons are basically cost, which comes to the same cost as a dental bridge, but every procedure has its risks, which you should discuss with your oral surgeon.

What happens if the blood clot comes out after tooth extraction?

When the blood clot comes out after tooth extraction, this may cause severe pain, so you should stay on softer food and avoid exercise, alcohol, and smoking for 10 days to prevent the removal of the blood clot.

What are the do's and don'ts of tooth extraction after care?

Some of the do's and don'ts of after care for tooth extractions are: stay on softer food, follow the instructions carefully, take your antibiotics and pain medications, and do not use straws to drink, do not exercise, do not drink alcohol, and do not smoke for 10 days.

Why can't I exercise after tooth extraction?

You cannot exercise after tooth extraction because exercise will increase your heart rate, you may feel throbbing pain, especially at night, and you may also lose the blood clot that's in there. If you lose the blood clot, you may get a dry socket, which causes severe pain.

What works best to preserve the jawbone after tooth extraction?

What works best to preserve the jawbone after tooth extraction is placing an implant immediately, or at least putting some bone graft in the socket to maintain the volume of the area, so you can have an implant later on.

When should I schedule a tooth extraction procedure?

You should schedule a tooth extraction procedure before you get infected or you're in pain, and when your general dentist recommends you see an oral surgeon.

What are dental extractions?

Dental extractions are basically tooth removals. When the teeth are not salvageable, they have to be removed.

When is a tooth extraction recommended?

Tooth extraction is recommended when the tooth has gum disease, is fractured, or has severe cavities.

Why would a dentist recommend a tooth extraction versus a root canal?

A dentist will recommend tooth extraction versus root canal when they feel that saving the tooth is not possible and the tooth needs to be removed.

Can a dentist just pull an infected tooth?

A dentist can remove the infected tooth. In fact, they should remove the source of the infection as soon as possible. Some dentists like to wait and give antibiotics before extraction, but I think this is wrong and the tooth should be removed as soon as possible.

Is tooth extraction necessary for braces?

Tooth extraction is necessary for braces when the orthodontist feels that they need space in the arch and there's not enough space. They remove the teeth to create that space to move the teeth around.

Is it always necessary to remove wisdom teeth?

The necessity of removing wisdom teeth depends on age and how well the patient can maintain hygiene. Usually, most of us do not have room to keep the wisdom teeth or sometimes not enough room to even have them erupted. When they are not erupted, they cause problems for the teeth next to them or cause infections. When they are erupted and we do not have space, they can get cavities, and eventually, you will have to refill them after a few years, which is not worth the expense or the headache.

If I'm going to have a tooth extraction, when do I need a dentist versus an oral surgeon?

If you're thinking about removing a tooth and you don't know whether to go to a dentist or oral surgeon, you should do your homework and see how skillful your dentist is, how comfortable they are, and what their experience has been with removing wisdom teeth. In general, wisdom teeth are best removed by oral surgeons because this is what we do every day, and therefore the complications and post-op pain are reduced.

Can tooth extraction cure periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease can be cured by removing the tooth. Periodontitis is a disease of the tissue around the tooth, and when you remove the tooth, that disease is gone.

Is tooth extraction necessary before implant dental surgery?

Tooth extraction is necessary before dental implant surgery. However, in my office, we try to maintain and keep all the teeth that we can. Nothing will replace your own teeth, but if the tooth is fractured, has severe cavities, or is just not salvageable, we have to remove it and place the implant. In my office, we place the implant that day.

What should I expect during a tooth extraction?

When you come in for the removal of a tooth, you should expect some pressure and some noises. In my office, we recommend putting on headphones or some music, but you will feel no pain. I guarantee that in my office. I tell the patient to raise their hand if they feel pain, and we stop. We give you more Novocaine. Another option we offer is IV sedation, where you will be sleeping.

Is a bone graft necessary after tooth extraction?

A bone graft is necessary after tooth extraction to maintain the volume of the area. If you lose the volume, then you cannot put an implant in the future.

How painful is tooth extraction?

Tooth extraction should not be painful. In our office, we make sure you're not in pain during the procedure. Afterwards, of course, you will have some soreness, which is controlled by the medications that we send to your pharmacy.

What kind of anesthesia options are available during tooth extraction?

Options for anesthesia for tooth extractions range from local anesthesia, which is Novocaine, to IV sedation, and occasionally, general anesthesia. This is for severe anxiety patients who cannot handle IV sedation and need to be in a hospital setting. Typically, oral surgeons in America perform IV sedation four or five times a day, and it's very safe.

Do dentists give pain meds after tooth extraction?

Dentists give pain medication after tooth extraction. Some dentists like to jump to narcotics, and some don't. In my practice, we tend to stay away from narcotics and keep it as an absolute last resort.

How long does it normally take to heal from tooth extractions?

The length of time for healing after tooth extraction depends on the skills of your oral surgeon, age, the difficulty of the tooth extraction, and whether or not you have systemic disease or are a smoker. Typically, it takes about ten days to two weeks to close the hole completely. The first couple of days will have a little soreness, but it will get better and better afterward.

What helps tooth extraction heal faster?

Following my instructions helps the tooth extraction site heal faster. Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, and exercise. Staying on a liquid diet and soft food helps tremendously.

How can I minimize bleeding after tooth extraction?

You can minimize bleeding after tooth extraction by gently biting on gauze for 45 minutes and keeping talking and body movements to a minimum for the first 24 hours.

What is a lost blood clot after tooth extraction?

A lost blood clot after tooth extraction occurs when you lose the blood clot in the socket. When you take the tooth out, a blood clot forms automatically and starts the healing process. If the blood clot is lost, you may experience severe pain.

How can I avoid a dry socket after tooth extraction?

You can avoid a dry socket after tooth extraction by following the instructions very carefully. We recommend not using straws for ten days, no exercise, and no smoking for ten days. Do not drink alcohol for ten days and rest.

What other precautions should I take after tooth extraction?

Some other precautions after tooth extraction include not smoking, avoiding exercise, staying on softer food for two to three weeks, brushing gently, keeping the mouth clean, and minimizing talking for the first two to three days.

Do I need to rest after tooth extraction?

The resting period after tooth extraction depends on the severity of the extraction. If they are multiple impacted wisdom teeth, you would need to rest for a couple of days. When you go back to work or school, keep talking and walking to a minimum, and basically keep your heart rate down for ten days.

Can tooth extraction cause a speech impediment?

Tooth extraction cannot cause speech issues or speech impediments. You can talk and speak right after; however, we recommend keeping talking to a minimum for the first few days.

When should I schedule an appointment for tooth extraction?

You can schedule the tooth extraction procedure when you are in pain or when your dentist has referred you to an oral surgeon.

What is a dental extraction?

A dental extraction or tooth removal is removing a tooth that is not salvageable or restorable.

What are the reasons tooth extraction may be necessary?

Tooth extraction may be necessary when the tooth is not restorable. This is the job of general dentists. They examine the mouth and if the tooth is not restorable and they feel that it is not salvageable, whether it is from cavity or periodontal disease or a crack in the tooth, then the tooth has to be removed.

What are the types of tooth extraction?

Types of tooth extractions range from basic tooth removal to fully bone-impacted wisdom teeth, which require the expertise of an oral surgeon. In such cases, we have to open up the gums, remove some bone around the teeth, and then remove the tooth.

When would a dentist recommend a wisdom tooth extraction?

A dentist would recommend a wisdom tooth removal or extraction when the wisdom teeth are causing damage to the teeth next to them or they are causing pain and infection.

When would braces require tooth extraction?

Braces require tooth extraction when there is not enough space in the arch or in the mouth, and usually the orthodontist is the one who decides whether to remove the teeth or not.

Is tooth extraction and filling advisable for young children?

Tooth extractions or fillings are necessary for young adults or children to maintain the arch and space in the mouth. This should be determined by a pedodontist or general dentist.

If I have gum disease, when would tooth extraction become necessary?

Tooth extraction, when there is gum disease, is determined by a periodontist or general dentist. Whether or not to remove the tooth when there is gum disease is a decision made by the general dentist. In cases of severe periodontitis, the tooth needs to be removed.

Are all tooth extractions considered oral surgery?

All tooth extractions are considered oral surgery. This can range from basic oral surgery to more complicated procedures.

How long does a tooth extraction procedure take?

The length of a tooth removal procedure depends on the expertise of the surgeon, the level of impaction of the tooth, and the age of the patient. For example, a fully impacted wisdom tooth on an 18-year-old should not take more than 10-15 minutes for an oral surgeon.

Will I need dental implants after a tooth extraction?

You will need dental implants after tooth extraction to maintain the bite occlusion and the space in your mouth. If you do not get implants after tooth extraction, the jaw bone that supports the tooth will disappear after a few years.

How do I brush my teeth after tooth extraction?

You will brush your teeth after tooth extraction by using a baby toothbrush or turning off your electric toothbrush. I usually advise patients to wait 24 hours and then just go over the teeth and not the gums, brushing gently.

What should I know about tooth extraction after care and recovery?

After extraction, follow the instructions given by your surgeon. In my office, we recommend avoiding exercise, smoking, or drinking alcohol for 10 days. Do not use straws to drink and stay on a soft diet for 2 weeks.

Why should one avoid rinsing after getting a tooth extraction?

You should not rinse after tooth extraction because this could dislodge the blood clot. If the blood clot is removed, you could experience significant pain.

What is a dry socket and how can I avoid it after a tooth extraction?

Dry socket is exposed bone and nerves in the socket after tooth removal, usually occurring on the fourth day. When the blood clot is removed, the nerves are exposed, causing severe pain. You can avoid this by following post-extraction care instructions: do not use straws to drink for 10 days, avoid smoking, and refrain from exercising.

How long should I wait to exercise after tooth extraction?

You should wait about 10 days after tooth extraction before you exercise.

How long should it take to recover from a tooth extraction?

Recovery after tooth extraction depends on the skills of the surgeon, the age of the patient, and the difficulty of the tooth removal. Generally, the first two to three days are a bit uncomfortable, but you will feel better each day afterwards. Most patients can return to work after two to three days.

When should I schedule an appointment for tooth extraction?

You should schedule an appointment for tooth extraction if you are in pain or if your general dentist has suggested you see an oral surgeon.

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