Insurance & Financing

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery of New York is an in-network provider. We will check your benefits for you and will let you know what your in-network insurance benefits are.

If you feel that we can help you, please feel free to contact us. You can reach one of our patient appointment specialists at (332) 244-0554, Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, or email us at [email protected]. If it is more convenient, please feel free to set up your appointment online by filling out our appointment request form.

With our boutique practice model, our goal is to provide high-quality and personalized care to all of our patients. To learn more about your first appointment with our office, please read about what to expect during your Initial Comprehensive Consultation.

We accept the following financing options:

The procedure is not sent to dental insurance; it is completely covered by medical insurance. What you should know from the beginning is what your co-pays are and what your deductible is for your medical insurance company. Occasionally, some insurance companies exclude this procedure and cover it only if the patient has a cyst or tumor in the jaw or sleep apnea. However, in our practice, I would say about 98% of the cases get approved.

Usually, my patients come into the office with a history of orthodontic treatment. When they were younger, the orthodontist pushed the teeth into a place where the bite is okay. When the patient grew, the jaws either did not grow or grew too much, leading to an underbite or overbite.

With insurance companies, certain criteria have to be met:

  • Narrow jaw, known as transverse deficiency
  • Vertical maxillary excess, which gives a gummy smile and lip incompetence
  • Underbite or overbite of at least 4-5 mm

Once these criteria are met, the case usually gets approved. Because the patients have had orthodontics, these criteria are not always present initially.

During pre-surgical orthodontics, we decompensate the teeth and place them back to where they should be, with a proper angle and position. If there is an underlying dental facial deformity, you will get that underbite and overbite of at least 4-5 mm. Your bite will actually look worse before it gets better by surgery. This has to be done before your pre-determination for surgery is sent to an insurance company.

What is predetermination? Pre-determination is sent by your surgeon's office. They write a letter to the insurance company and include the photos and x-rays that they have from you. Predetermination usually takes about 3-4 weeks to get back. Once you get that back, you can proceed with the surgery. What you should know is what your co-pays are and your deductible for your medical insurance company.

Usually, wisdom tooth removal is covered by your dental insurance company and not medical. However, it really depends on your insurance company. The best way to find out is to visit your surgeon's office, take x-rays, and have a consultation with them. Once that's done, you can ask your surgeon to send a predetermination to your insurance company. Be aware that this process may take up to three to four weeks to get a response and may not work if you're experiencing pain at that time. It is also not a guarantee for pain relief.

Things you should find out include your copays for those procedures and your deductible. Another important detail is the maximum allowed amount by your insurance company, which ranges from $1,000 to $2,000. You can request the codes used for the removal of wisdom teeth from your surgeon's office. These codes are used nationally and are from the American Dental Association. They range from a full bony impacted tooth to an erupted tooth.