Gummy Smile

What causes a gummy smile?

Causes of gummy smiles include supraeruption of the teeth, nasal obstruction during childhood years and mouth breathing, previous orthodontic treatment, hyperactive lip, and excessive gum.

How can I fix a gummy smile?

You can fix a gummy smile by a few different methods. You can fix it surgically or non-surgically. Methods include jaw surgery, orthodontic treatment, and lip repositioning. Non-surgical options are Botox treatment into the lip and orthodontic treatment.

What are the treatment options for a gummy smile?

Treatment options for gummy smiles are surgical or non-surgical. You can basically go see a specialist in this and see what the reason for the gummy smile is first. The diagnosis is very important. If it's a dental issue, you can cut away some of the gums and the problem is fixed. If it's skeletal, then it becomes a little bit challenging. In some cases, you can do orthodontic treatment to push up the upper teeth, but usually, you would need jaw surgery to reposition the upper jaw upward so you show less gum. You can also do other procedures such as lip repositioning, which I don't like. I think it just causes scarring, but that is an option. Non-surgical, you can do orthodontic treatment or inject some Botox in here to release the muscles and prevent them from becoming hyperactive during smiling.

Can braces or orthodontic treatments correct a gummy smile?

Braces and orthodontic treatment can potentially treat the gummy smile. This should be done by a specialist, an orthodontist who is knowledgeable about this. Occasionally, they can push up the upper teeth slightly by orthodontic means and correct the gummy smile.

Is surgery necessary to treat a gummy smile?

Surgery sometimes is necessary to treat a gummy smile when it becomes a skeletal issue. When it's a skeletal issue, really non-surgical methods are not helpful and it's really a waste of time. Surgically, we do a repositioning of the upper jaw, and not only does it get rid of your gummy smile, but it also helps with the lower jaw because the lower jaw rotates forward and up.

How effective is Botox for reducing a gummy smile?

Botox is pretty effective, I would say, in reducing the gummy smile. Botox is injected around here to release the muscles and paralyze them basically. And so when you inject that and when you do that, when you smile, you don't show much gum. But first of all, it wears off after four or five months. It is an expensive method and you have to be careful. Be aware that your smile will be affected. Some people don't like that effect.

What is lip repositioning surgery for a gummy smile?

Lip repositioning surgery for a gummy smile is a method to make a cut inside the lip, reposition the lip, and attach it lower on the gums. This way when you smile, you don't show much gum.

Are there non-surgical treatments for a gummy smile?

There are some non-surgical treatments for gummy smiles. These include orthodontic treatments and Botox.

How much does it cost to fix a gummy smile?

The cost for a gummy smile depends on the origin of it. So if it's dental, you can do gum surgery to make the front teeth longer, but only if it's indicated. So this can run about $2,000 to $3,000 maybe. Jaw surgery is expensive but could be covered by your medical insurance. Orthodontic treatment is about $7,000 to $8,000 depending on where you're located. Botox is about $300 to $400 each time you inject.

How long does recovery take after a gummy smile surgery?

Recovery for a gummy smile surgery depends on what kind of surgery you're having. Gum surgery is about 7-8 days. Jaw surgery is about 2-3 weeks. So really it depends on what kind of surgery you're having done.

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