V-Line Surgery

What Is V-Line Surgery?

V-Line Surgery

V-Line Surgery, also known as V-Line Jaw Surgery or Asian V-Line Surgery, is a surgery that involves the re-shaping of the jawline. This procedure re-forms the angles of the chin, mandible, and jaw to create a more pleasing and streamlined ‘V’ shape. Many people go abroad for this surgery, which is massively popular in South Korea, but there’s no need for an international flight – Dr. Jamali performs this procedure right in the heart of Manhattan.

How Do You Prepare For V-Line Jaw Surgery?

Before performing V-Line Surgery, Dr. Jamali will spend time with you to evaluate your anatomy and discuss your wants and expectations for the procedure. He will work closely with you to craft a detailed custom surgery plan that will help you achieve a natural and aesthetically pleasing result.

Why Is V-Line Surgery Performed?

V-Line Surgery aims to redefine the contours of the lower jaw to create a more pleasing shape. It may be a good solution if you aren’t happy with the way your chin looks, or if your jaw has a square shape that you believe contributes to an overly masculine appearance. One of the most common reasons for V-Line Surgery is revision, to correct the results of a previous procedure, such as an unsuccessful chin implant.

What Can You Expect During V-Line Surgery?

Dr. Jamali’s approach may vary, depending on your needs and any pre-existing facial implants. Anesthesiologist will administer general anesthesia for the sake of your comfort before making a series of precisely calculated incisions inside the mouth to access the jawbone. He will work through these incisions to remake the contour of the jawline into a softer, more appealing shape. After reshaping the jaw, Dr. Jamali will reclose the initial openings and make another incision near the front of the mouth. Through this opening, he will access your chin and revise bone and tissue to achieve your more ideal shape. Following the procedure, all incisions are reclosed and bandages are applied to reduce swelling.

What Is The Followup And Recovery Like For V-Line Surgery?

There is commonly swelling, bruising, and discomfort following jaw reduction surgery, but these symptoms typically begin to subside after about 48 hours and fully abate by two weeks after the procedure. You will be advised to avoid strenuous exercise and adopt a soft food diet during the recovery period. Most patients are able to return to work and their ordinary daily routine one week after surgery, but cases may vary, and Dr. Jamali will offer more personalized advice following the procedure.

What Are The Potential Risks For V-Line Jaw Surgery?

Any surgical procedure comes with some risks, and you should never have V-Line Surgery performed by anyone who is not an experienced board certified surgeon. One of the risks of V-Line Surgery is that you will be unsatisfied with the final result and may require additional correction of the issue. Removal of bone can result in longer-term bone deterioration issues. The procedure may result in temporary or long-term loss of feeling or paralysis in the lower facial region. Recovery from V-Line Surgery can be painful as well.

Are There Other Related Treatments To V-Line Surgery?

Dr. Jamali also performs Sliding Genioplasty and T-line chin surgery, other surgeries designed to correct the appearance of the chin and jawline.

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