Prepare for Your Oral Surgery Visit

Whether you need to have your wisdom teeth removed, have lost a tooth, or need orthodontia, seeing an oral surgeon for the first time can be a stressful situation. But, it doesn’t need to be. An oral surgeon wants to do what he can to help you have a healthy mouth and great looking smile. A bit of preparation before your visit can make the appointment go well for both you and your doctor.

Research Your Doctor

Prepare for surgery

If you’re seeing an oral surgeon or an orthodontist, it’s likely that your primary dentist or doctor recommended him or her. But, even if that’s the case, and you have a solid referral from your regular dentist, it can’t help but to do a bit of research first. Find out about the doctor’s experience, for example, if he or she is board certified in his or her specialty, and how long he or she has been in practice.

It can also help to read what previous patients have to say about the doctor or to review photos of past patients before and after their treatments.

Make a List of Questions

The more you know, the happier you’ll be with your experience, and the better you’ll feel about having oral surgery or another dental treatment. Prepare a list of questions to bring along with you to your appointment. For example, you might want to know what the recovery period will be like after your wisdom teeth are taken out. Ask about what you can eat afterwards, if you’ll need to take off from work, and if you’ll need to take any medications. Ask about the length of treatment and how frequently you’ll need to see the dentist afterwards.

Bring All the Relevant Info

Don’t forget to bring along the important details and information about you. Your dentist will need to know a few things about you, such as any medications you take, even herbal supplements, and any conditions you might have, even if you don’t think they are relevant. Don’t forget your insurance card and any necessary forms, either.

Prepping for the Visit

If you are going to have surgery, you’ll want to take a few extra steps when getting ready, such as not eating or drinking for about eight hours beforehand. At Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery of New York we require a consultation first and then determine if surgery is necessary. We will then work with you to schedule your surgery day.

It’s a good idea to get a full eight hours of sleep the night before, so that you’re well-rested and more at ease during your appointment. Try not to drink or eat anything super sugary right before your appointment, either.

What to Expect

During your first visit with an oral surgeon or other dentist, you can expect him or her to lay out a plan for treatment. He might recommend surgery in a certain number of days, for example, or give you a plan for getting braces and for how long you’ll need to wear the braces. You will most likely have X-rays performed at the time of your visit, too, so make sure you tell the dentist if you’re pregnant or have any condition that can be affected by the X-rays.

Dr. Majid Jamali and his team at Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery of New York hope your first visit is a great one. If you have any questions about what to expect or what to bring along to your first appointment, call (332) 244-0554 and a member of our team will help you out.

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